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Back issues of Local Population Studies

Contents of Local Population Studies: issues 11 to 20

Cover of LPS 20 Local Population Studies Number 20 (Spring 1978)
Contents include:
L. A. Clarkson, Household and family structure in Armagh City, 1770.
Brenda Collins and Michael Anderson, The administration of the 1851 census in the county of East Lothian
J. M. Martin, The rich, the poor and the migrant in eighteenth-century Stratford-on-Avon.
Regular features: Editorial and news, notes and queries, recent publications, correspondence, miscellany, etc.

To order a copy for £4.50 contact:
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.

Local Population Studies Number 19 (Autumn 1977)
Contents include:
J. M. Martin, An investigation into the small size of the household, as exemplified by Stratford-on-Avon.
W. J. Edwards, Marriage seasonality, 1761-1810: an assessment of patterns in seventeen Shropshire marriages
Anne Harris, Christian names in Soilihull, Warwickshire and Yardley, Warwickshire
Regular features: Editorial, news, notes and queries, recent publications, correspondence, miscellany, research in progress, etc.

This issue is out of print.
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.
Cover of LPS 19

Cover of LPS 18 Local Population Studies Number 18 (Spring 1977)
Contents include:
E. A. Wrigley, The changing occupational structure of Colyton over two centuries.
E. A. Wrigley, A note on the life-time mobility of married women in a parish population in the late eighteenth century
S. Jackson and Paul Laxton, Of such as are of riper years? A note on age at baptism
Carole Cunningham, Christ's Hospital: infant and child mortality in the sixteenth century
Regular features: Editorial, news, notes and queries, correspondence, miscellany, etc.

This issue is out of print.
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.

Local Population Studies Number 17 (Autumn 1976)
Contents include:
E. A. Wrigley, Checking Rickman.
W. J. Edwards, National parish register data: an evaluation of the comprehensiveness of the areal cover
W. J. Edwards, National marriage data: a re-aggregation of John Rickman's marriage returns
Regular features: Editorial, news, notes and queries, miscellany, recent publications, correspondence, etc.

To order a copy for £4.50 contact:
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.
Cover of LPS 17

Cover of LPS 16 Local Population Studies Number 16 (Spring 1976)
Contents include:
May Pickles, Mid-Wharfedale, 1721–1812: economic and demographic change in a Pennine Dale.
Regular features: Editorial, news, notes and queries, miscellany, correspondence, etc.

To order a copy for £4.50 contact:
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.

Local Population Studies Number 15 (Autumn 1975)
Contents include:
Keith Wrightson, Infanticide in earlier seventeenth-century England
Rex Watson, A study of surname distribution in a group of Cambridgeshire parishes, 1538–1840
Hugh Hanley, Population mobility in Buckinghamshire, 1578–1583
J. R. Holman, Orphans in pre-industrial towns—the case of Bristol in the late seventeenth century
Regular features: Editorial, news, notes and queries, correspondence, miscellany, etc.

To order a copy for £4.50 contact:
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.
Cover of LPS 15

Cover of LPS 14 Local Population Studies Number 14 (Spring 1975)
Contents include:
Donald Woodward, The impact of the Commonwealth Act on Yorkshire parish registers
David Foster, Mobility and economy in new towns: the case of Fleetwood
Colin Brent, Devastating epidemic in the countryside of Eastern Sussex between harvest years 1558 and 1640
Regular features: Editorial, news, notes and queries, correspondence, miscellany, etc.

To order a copy for £4.50 contact:
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.

Local Population Studies Number 13 (Autumn 1974)
Contents include:
Peter Laslett, Parental deprivation in the past: a note on the history of orphans in England
N. F. R. Crafts, Eighteenth-century local population studies in the context of aggregate estimates for England and Wales
R. G. Scott, Population and enclosure in the mid-nineteenth century: the example of Exmoor
Regular features: Editorial, news, notes and queries, correspondence, recent publications, etc.

To order a copy for £4.50 contact:
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.
Cover of LPS 13

Cover of LPS 12 Local Population Studies Number 12 (Spring 1974)
Contents include:
Roger Fieldhouse, Social structure from Tudor lay subsidies and probate inventories. A case study: Richmondshire (Yorkshire)
R. W. Ambler, Baptism and christening. Custom and practice in nineteenth-century Lincolnshire
A. Newman, Peas and fertility
Regular features: Editorial, news, notes and queries, miscellany, correspondence, etc.

This issue is out of print.
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.

Local Population Studies Number 11 (Autumn 1973)
Contents include:
Dennis R. Mills, The christening custom at Melbourne, Cambs.
J. A. Williams, A local population study at a college of education
Regular features: Editorial, news, notes and queries, recent publications, correspondence, etc.

This issue is out of print.
To download a pdf version of the whole issue, click here.
Cover of LPS 11

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